Wednesday, August 10, 2011

As Seen On... Sara ♥'s Pretty Little Things

(This is a scheduled post. I'm on vacation!)

Good morning! If all is going well with my scheduled posts, this should be Wednesday morning.
I'm not sure what today entails for me in Toronto, but I'm sure there will be shopping involved.
Are you looking forward to seeing what polishes I get? I'm sure looking forward to buying them.

Today I have for you my second mani recreation. (And resulting failure.)
This one is from Sara at Sara ♥'s Pretty Little Things.
Sara is a nice British girl who has some British polishes that make me jealous.
(Also I am jealous of this clutch she got recently. It's a bit over the top but so cool!)
(And ALSO she recently got Ozotic 505 and 528 which is grounds enough to unfollow her out of insane jealousy but somehow, I still like her. Somehow.)

Sara posted this crack mani a few weeks ago that made me want to use my white crackle for the first time. 
But she used Barry M crackles which seem to crack WAY nicer than China Glaze ones.
I tried my best with what I've got! And half of it was awesome! And then... well... you'll see.

I started with one coat of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Silver Sweep, and one coat of Hema Jip en Janekke to make it a bit more sparkly, because Sara's base polish was sparkly and pretty.

Then I added a coat of China Glaze Broken Hearted crackle!

I tried so hard to make sure it crackled well, and it worked so well! I applied it in small strokes all over the nail instead of long sweeps. That helps get a more defined crackles and less of a "shredded" look.

Awesome. Almost there. I can do this. Now lets add the white crackle in the same fashion and hope for the best...

Ew! Are you seeing this? Where is the crackle? What happened?!

This was my first time using China Glaze Lightning Bolt white crackle and holy crap, it sucks.
I was staring at my nails thinking "WHY AREN'T YOU CRACKLING?"
The formula was so runny, I flooded all my cuticles, and as you can see it's too sheer for this look anyway, even if it did work!
Maybe if I use it a few more times it will thicken and be more opaque and actually crackle... I don't know.
All I know is that this was a great big fail. And it started out so promising!!

Go check out Sara's blog and her properly functioning white crackle (if you don't hate her too much over her Ozotic babies.)


  1. LOL, well at least your nails don't always turn out perfect!

  2. Awww its ok!! lol I still like it!

  3. Yep, not a great formula... but did you leave the pink crackle to dry out properly before applying the second coat?
    Anyways, the surest way to get the "good crackles" is to use an intermediate fast drying top coat.

  4. Omg Rebecca, of all the mani's i'v ever done, you wanted to try out the one I least liked?!! =P
    I really like how the first part turned out, and I'l be using that method for applying my Sally Hansen gold crackle, so thank you for sharing how you did it! =D
    Aw it sucks it didn't turn out how you wanted it too... stupid white polish. =]
    Hope you'r having fun in Toronto!

  5. I'm sick and twisted, because I love when you post fails. It makes me feel, somewhat, normal. lol.

  6. The first picture - awesome, really pretty; second picture - what? :D

  7. I have the same comment as Karen J....try a top coat between crackle layers... :)

  8. Aw, too bad the polish didn't crackle! I still like the one with silver and pink ;p

  9. Ouch...epic fail! I agree with maybe trying a clear coat in between?? I LOVE how well your pink crackled over the silver. I don't think I've ever had one turn out that good!

    P.S. Hope you vacation/polish shopping is going well!

  10. You are too funny!!!!! Your posts cracks me up.... I love the first photo. The color combo is AWESOME!!! Sorry the second coat of crackle failed...

  11. I tagged you in a blogger award! My blog is Nailin' It : )

  12. thanks everyone!

    about the topcoat in between, i did that on my ring finger :( you can see i got SLIGHTLY better results but not good.

    @Karen J - that's interesting about adding a second coat! i'll have to experiment with that.

    @Ashley - thank you!

    @Sara - hehehe, sorry that I chose your least favorite :P

    @Whitney - haha! happy to make you feel more normal :P
