Thursday, May 10, 2012

my first ruffian mani

Hey everyone - before I start this post I am going to do some major whining! Justified whining though. I need an outlet!

I just found out that the blink-182 concert I was supposed to see next week is CANCELLED.
Because the drummer just had his tonsils out. TONSILS! Blink is my favorite band and has been for about 10 years. This was going to be my third time flying away to see them. I love them so much that I can't be mad at them but... tonsils? Drummer? He played with a broken foot before but... tonsils?! AH!

I spent close to $500 on plane tickets to go to Quebec City and now I don't know what to do. Go anyway? Spend another $150 to turn my tickets into a voucher? Ugh. It's not even the money that really bums me out but the fact that I won't be seeing blink this year. And I'm sure the stars won't all align in exactly the right ways for me to see them next year, the way they did this year. I'm so sad. :(

Anyway... depressing news aside... here is a mani I wore a few weeks ago.

I like ruffian manis but I'm not sure if I chose the right colors for my first one!

This mani started out with two coats of OPI - Russian Navy Suede.
I was wearing this for 3 days before adding the silver, I was surprised it lasted that long before chipping! Matte/suede polishes usually chip super fast but color me impressed.
I love this polish a lot, the suede effect is cool! I've got 6/7 of the suedes they released and I'd like to get the last one, too! I stupidly didn't buy it when I had the chance. (Here Today... Aragon Tomorrow Suede is the one I am missing.

So, when the chips happened, I wasn't ready to remove the color so I decided to do a ruffian mani!
A ruffian is a very chic look and can cover up your chips in a flash.

To do the look, you add a second color but you don't go all the way to the cuticle. It can be a bit tricky to get the spacing the same (notice my middle finger is different from the others) but with practice it is no problem.

The silver is Sally Hansen Insta-Dri - Silver Sweep. This mani was so darn reflective, it was hard to get good pictures.

I'm gonna try more ruffians this summer... but with neons!!

Now before I go, allow me to remind you that today is another day to vote for me in the Bundle Monster contest! Yes, I'm shameless.
If you've got Facebook, click HERE to go to my entry!
If you don't have Facebook, click HERE to go to my entry!

Thanks :)


  1. oOOoooh cant wait to see a neon ruffian.. do you reckon it would look as good with a light base colour and a dark colour over? I say this cos I am wearing Dont Give a Rotterdam.. any suggestions on what colour to pair it with? xxx

    1. yes! i bet that would look great with a black or dark gray on top :)
      or you could go crazy and use a really bright blue

  2. That is really crappy about the concert :( Hopefully there will be a silver lining for you :) they are a great band!

    The manicure came out so well. I haven't tried this yet but I definitely will!!!

  3. Very cool mani! And that totally sucks that your concert got cancelled... they aren't going to reschedule? That seems lamesauce.

    1. nope... they cancelled 10 dates i think and only rescheduled two of them.
      even if they did reschedule it i probably wouldn't be able to go because my two friends going with me are living there right now for school - and i know they won't fly back there just to see blink. hah!
      that's why the timing was so perfect, i had friends there to go with. otherwise i wouldn't go because i couldn't convince anyone to spend that kinda money for blink!

  4. Pretty, going to try this soon!

  5. i LOVE blink, so I feel your pain :( hopefully the stars align next year for you, fingers crossed for me too. Great nails though!

  6. Ruffian manicures are awesome, and yours looks great!

    Now, how do I get my hands on some OPI Suedes?? lol

    1. still has some in stock! i got mine from a beauty supply that's not too popular so they still had some left a few months ago. they're sorta old.
      plus ebay!

  7. aww that sucks about Blink!! hopefully you'll see them again! should do Blink 182 nails!

    1. i've been meaning to! but i can't decide the perfect ones... haha

  8. ahh that sucks!! :( hopefully it will work out. i love this mani on you, i think the colors are perfect for a rufian! looks great on you

  9. I love them! Haha so sad that you only need HTAT Suede, but I need every except it! and I am so stealing neon ruffians if I can ever get them to turn out perfect!

    1.!!! they have all the ones you don't have! or they did, at least. i got two of mine there. don't forget to google for coupon codes to get 20% off!

  10. I feel your pain Rebecca! Last night I found out that one of my favourite bands cancelled their Australian headlining tour and jump on a tour another Australian tour but I STILL can't see them because they aren't doing the over age show in my city! Doesn't it make you want to cry when tours get cancelled? BOOHOO. Oh and I love the Ruffian manicure. It always makes my nails look better shaped than they are. Hahahahaa!

    1. Yeah totally. Actually I'm ponding if I should go to Adelaide for another band next week... it's a 8 hour drive from Melbourne though. That's not fun.

  11. I think you picked great colors. I'm not that into the ruffian look but I really love this one. These colors look great together. Not only the colors, but also the different finishes of the polishes just makes it look great.

  12. The older you are the worse it is having tonsils out. A friend of mine got hers out at 20 and was almost completely non-functional for two weeks. She could barely eat and was so doped up on pain meds that trying to have a conversation with her was impossible. She had to be baby-sat full time. So I totally understand having to cancel for tonsils, doesn't mean it doesn't suck for fans though. :(

    Love your ruffian! One of these days I'll get around to trying one myself.
    (BTW, I believe Revlon Matte Suede - Emerald City might be a close dupe for your missing polish!)

    1. ah, i see! i didn't know it would be harder... but he is posting pictures of himself on his instagram looking pretty darn well... argh!
      thanks for the dupe tip!

  13. you should still go to Quebec, like a little vacation (may be you're find some good nail polish too heheh). And I love the ruffian nails! I always want to get experimental with my nails, but never get the chance to. (I usually beat them up a lot with hard work and negligence) Hopefully this summer, I'll get to try out a few things and stick to them too!

  14. this is lovely! I can never get the ruffians to come out right.

  15. both colors are gorgeous!! If it was me, I'll bring russian navy in front of silver sweep.. because silver sweep is too blinding to wear at office XD

  16. I have yet to try any of the suede ones but now I want at least one. :-) I really need to try one of these ruffian mani's, I just think they look wonderful for so little time. All though I'm sure I will screw it up royaly.

  17. the nails are so nice!
    I'm from italy and I love blink 182, I started to cry when I knew about the concerts, because last year they canceled all european tour... so I'm scared because maybe they cancel their july dates now? I wrote about them on my blog but in italian and don't know if you understand xD

    1. i will keep my fingers crossed that they don't cancel anymore dates!!

  18. I think you picked GREAT colors for this ruffian mani! Especially wise to put the silver over the Russian Navy Suede - your thinking cap was on to help protect that existing mani from tip chip/wear! And oh gads - you have to get Here Today... Aragon Tomorrow Suede - it is sooooo beautiful (esp with a clear topper on it IMO). I am missing Suzie Skis In the Pyrenees, then I have 'em all. But not sure I really want that shade - it looks from photos I have seen sort of blagh. Like you, did not get 'em when they were out. I did not like them at all then - thought the entire idea of matte was ugly!

    Speaking of ugly - really ugly to have your tonsils out as an adult - it was bad enough when I had mine out as an older teen. Sorry your concert got cancelled. You can spend the ticket $ now on something to cheer you up!

    Cannot imagine you free-handed that ruffian! I use the half cut hole reinforcers to do mine.

    1. i found the ruffian quite easy to freehand with the large brush that comes on the insta-dri polishes! it's sorta flat and round, it almost does the work for ya!

  19. That ruffian looks so pretty!!! And I say just go to Quebec. You already spent the money and despite the fact that the concert was cancelled it's still a fun city :)

  20. I loveee this mani. Perfect colours! Sorry about your concert. That's a total bummer. Go to Quebec anyway and have a fun time with your friends! Maybe go to some smaller local concerts; they're always fun :)

  21. About the concert, sad situation!
    About the nails, I loved them, but next time, try to use the colors inverted.

  22. a) the nails are FAB
    b) I know it's annoying, but as a 27 year old who had her tonsils out last year, I can tell you the older you get the harder tonsilitis & the procedure are on you. I was almost a MONTH recovering & I think Travis has a good 10 years on me. I don't think he's being a baby. It really is a big deal at his age.

  23. I think you chose the right colors and on you it looks stunning

  24. Fantastic color combo for this mani! I love how it turned out :)

    Sorry to hear the concert was cancelled. Does seem like a silly reason..
