Sunday, December 9, 2012

China Glaze - It's A Trap-eze!

Good morning!

You've no doubt been seeing a lot of posts around the blog world about the new Cirque du Soleil Collection from China Glaze.
It is a cute collection but I decided that I only needed to own one of the polishes. And I'll be showing you it today!

China Glaze - It's A Trap-eze!
Isn't this lovely? A white jelly that is basically overflowing with bright glitter.

The formula is a bit tricky to work with because there is just so much glitter in the polish. You've gotta take your time spreading it out, but it does dry quickly.
I needed to apply three coats to cover up all bald spots.
You definitely want to use a thick coat or two of topcoat because it is a little lumpy.

It's just such a fun polish to wear! Anything that has glitter in a milky base is a win for me. I just like it when my nails look like cupcake frosting. Too cute.

I definitely recommend this one, guys! Pick it up if you see it.

Lastly... I like this polish because it reminds me of this:



  1. Ohhh I love this one! I felt the same way, the polishes were all really cute but I only really needed one.. or two haha :P

    Pretty swatch!

  2. pretty polish! I defo need it! :)

  3. This makes me what to go get out my white based Claire's polish and paint it out - I love the glitter in this one more though. Hmmmm....

  4. That is so pretty :)

  5. Hahaha I totally think of Admiral Ackbar each time I see this polish. It's awesome, definitely on my wish list!

  6. I think this is the best swatch I've seen of this polish yet! I have a bottle of my own to wear some time. =)

  7. So beautiful! This is the only polish from the collection I really want. And I alwaaaays think of "It's a trap!" when I see this lacquer. :D

  8. Rebecca I swatched this in my blog and it was the only color I felt I need the from the collection as well. The other colors are pretty but nothing particularly unique.

  9. omg hahahah!

    i love this, like a jelly sandwich in a bottle!

  10. my sister is getting it for me tomorrow!!!! as well as a couple of the others. but I am pretty excited about this one! :D

  11. I'm getting this one for Christmas! xD I'm the same, I love all polishes with milky bases that remind me of cupcakes!

  12. For me, I feel like the glitter is a bit too dense. The depth of glitter in layers of jelly base gets lost. I feel the same about Candy Shop. The good thing (for me) is that I can experiment with diluting the glitter concentration; the only tricky thing would be making sure the base stays jelly.

  13. Love this polish - this is on my wishlist :) Your nails do look like a cupcake! Beautiful!

  14. Yup snap, only bought this one, it arrived today and I can't wait to play with it :)

  15. OMG! That polish is too gorgeous! I would totally buy this.

  16. LOL I love your last image! This color is such an explosion of glitter ... I don't know if I love it or hate it. I love your swatches though, you have such perfect nails.

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