Monday, September 30, 2013

31DC2013 - day 30

It's the final day of September, the second last day of the 31 Day Challenge.
Bittersweet, isn't it? Doing the challenge is always fun because I enjoy challenging myself and also seeing what others come up with based on the same prompts, but at the same time it is a big hassle!
Also I am sad that September is ending because that means my birthday month is over and I can no longer use it as an excuse... "I've been too busy to clean my room, it was my birthday."

Today's theme is Inspired by a Tutorial. I wasn't sure what to do so I hopped on YouTube and did the first one that caught my eye.
I've always been meaning to try out the Cartoon Nails from Cute Polish, originally by Nancy Mc Nails I believe. What better time than now?

I'm in love with the look! I could wear this forever, it is just too cute.
The last time I wore an outlined nail I did not like it at all, but this I dig.

They look cute with my "&" ring, no? (From Forever 21. Of course.)

You may have seen this photo on my Instagram already. Loved it, so I'm posting it here too! Haha.

I used what seems to be my go-to color, China Glaze - That's Shore Bright. I use it all the time.
The black was done with an It's So Easy striper.
The white is Sally Hansen - Whirlwind White with a small brush.
For the matte finish I added a coat of Butter London Matte Finish Topcoat.

I also tried it glossy by adding some Seche Vite on top, but I'm not sure which one I like better.

Hooray! Just one day left. Hope you guys liked these nails, and see you tomorrow for the finale!


  1. I love that one! It looks so weird, doesn't it? Nice re-creation :D

  2. this is pretty cool :)

  3. this looks a fun mani to try :) I may give it ago myself hehe thanks for sharing xx

  4. I tried this tutorial a couple of weeks back and I LOVED it. I seriously could have worn those nails for days and days which is a lot for me since I tend to get bored and change my nails after a day or two. Great job!

  5. Wow, this looked really cool! :D

  6. These look amazing! I definitely prefer them matte, then the white dots look like they're real reflections! (if that makes any sense, haha)

  7. This looks really good on you.

  8. This is my favourite look! You did it perfectly too, looks so cool! =)

  9. Thanks to your writing, I am very happy to complete the process now.
